Welcome to Bharatiya Auxillary Nursing and Midwifery Practitioner Council

Welcome to the official website of the Bharatiya Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery Practitioner Council. We are a regulatory body dedicated to upholding and enhancing the standards of nursing and midwifery practice in India. Our mission is to ensure the highest quality of healthcare services through the regulation and development of competent nursing and midwifery professionals.

Our objectives

• To develop and maintain a common quality of nursing education for nurses and auxiliary nurse midwives, as well as to inspect the institution on a regular basis.
• To register nurses and midwives who have completed their training at accredited institutions.
• Undergraduate courses are taught, and diplomas and registration certificates are issued.
• To conduct GNM and ANM examinations.
• The authority to revoke qualification recognition if the institution fails to uphold its criteria.

Nursing Programme

General Nursing & Midwifery

ANM Regular & NRHM / NUHM

B.Sc (Basic) Nursing

B.Sc (Post Basic) Nursing

M.Sc (Nursing)

Post Basic Diploma Courses:-

Post Basic Diploma in Neonantal Nursing

Post Basic Diploma in Crital Care Nursing

Post Basic Diploma in Orthopedic Nursing

Nurse Practitioner in Midwifery